
07/06/2023 23:36 (UTC)


Indigenous leaders in Brazil demand that the Supreme Court protect their land rights

Sao Paulo, June 7 (EFE).- A group of indigenous leaders, activists and cultural personalities protested this Wednesday in Sao Paulo to ask the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil to protect the rights of indigenous peoples over their lands, the same day that a decisive judgment on The matter.

Statements by deputy Célia Xakriabá:

We await with great hope within 90 days the resumption of the trial. But we need to stay vigilant in the Senate, because it's not just about the time frame thesis.

Even when we have little faith, the strength of the countryside, the strength of the indigenous peoples, coming to Brasilia does help to change the decision-making process. With this hope we return to our territories, but without ceasing to be vigilant, because in the Senate, they are trying at all costs to transform this framework into law. Because by transforming the framework into law, they are trying to put pressure on President Lula, the militia, and Funai (indigenous peoples' foundation) to slow down the demarcation of indigenous peoples.

It can be said that it is a day of sadness and joy. We got so tense that we couldn't celebrate, because his vote (of magistrate Alexandre de Moraes) came full of conditions. But you have to celebrate it because his vote is important. He is a magistrate with the power to influence others and has been a magistrate in highly controversial matters in favor of democracy. So we have had a bit of a victory, but we cannot celebrate yet because when we ask for a hearing, the people are going to demobilize, they are going to leave, they cannot set up camp all the time. But the vote represents a victory.

Camera: André Borges.

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