
26/06/2022 23:13 (UTC)


Ecuador's Minister of Government "convinced" that Lasso will not be removed from office

Quito, Jun 26 (EFE), (Images: Juan Francisco Chávez) Ecuador's Minister of Government, Francisco Jiménez, said Sunday he was "convinced" that the impeachment request against President Guillermo Lasso, filed by legislators close to former President Rafael Correa, will not prosper in the National Assembly (Parliament).

"I am convinced that it will not pass, I am convinced that we democrats will resist, so they know that this fight is not for the government, many of them criticize us very hard, and know that there are many things to improve, the fight is not about the government of Guillermo Lasso, of the government I find it, this fight is for institutionality, for democracy and for not allowing Ecuador to fall and drift into chaos, but those coup plotters who are grouped in the Unes organization, are going to fail because they have not succeeded in the street and in the assembly and they will not succeed," he said in an interview with Efe, considering that the petition will not find support in some opposition benches.

Parliament began a session on Saturday to resolve the removal of Lasso, raised by 47 assembly members of the pro-Correa movement Union for Hope (Unes), at a time when the country had twelve days of protests called by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie), against the high cost of living.

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