19/03/1980 12:00 (UTC)
AMSTERDAM (PAISES BAJOS), 19/03/1980.- Los Reyes de España, Juan Carlos y Sofía (c), saludan a las autoridades, que junto a la reina Juliana de Holanda (2iz), les recibieron en la estación central de Amsterdam, adonde llegaron en un tren real procedentes de la base militar de Soeteberg. EFE/J.Maillo/ J.M. Pastor/aaTHE NETHERLANDS SPANISH KING AND QUEEN VISIT: AMSTERDAM (THE NETHERLANDS), 19/03/1980.- Spanish King Juan Carlos I (C) and Queen Sofia (3-L) and Queen Juliana of The Netherlands (2-L) are seen during the welcoming ceremony at the Central Station of Amsterdam, after arriving at the Soeteberg military air base. EFE/J.Maillo/J.M. Pastor/fs
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