
30/05/2024 17:43 (UTC)


Mau and Ricky launch 'Hotel Caracas' under their own record label

Miami, May 30 (EFE).- Mau and Ricky have spent half of their lives outside Venezuela. However, they have dedicated their third studio album 'Hotel Caracas' to their country, which they described in an interview with EFE in Miami as "the best, most vulnerable and free" of their 13-year career.


I think it had a lot to do with the fact that we had no pressure, that we had an album already made, that was about to come out and we started to create from that feeling of fun, for the love of art, for the love of music. So when one creates like that and creates wanting to push one's limits a little bit, to say that let's see how far I can go, to see how it goes here or to see how much I can do. One begins to discover beautiful things about oneself and it is usually in the risks where the greatest things or treasures are found.

Growth when you get uncomfortable, no doubt.

And it was an album where we were the most vulnerable we have ever been and again vulnerability is the strongest weapon to connect and to achieve growth. So I feel like it was an album where we got to know each other more than ever and where we did exactly what we wanted to do.

At no point on this album is there anything that I say, “well, I would have changed.” Nothing like that, not in the videos, not in how we wanted to tell this story. I'm very grateful, very happy and proud.

Camera: Alicia Civita.

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