
21/06/2022 23:11 (UTC)


Farhmand and Yarahmadi, the struggle of two women to find work as mechanics in Iran

**RESTRICTIONS: NO Access Israel Media/Persian Language TV Stations Outside Iran/Strictly No Access BBC Persian/VOA Persian/Manoto-1 TV/Iran International**

Tehran (Iran), Jun 21 (EFE), (Camera: Abedin Taherkenareh).- Niloufar Farahmand, 31, with a degree in Graphic Design, works as a mechanic at the Mercedes Benz AMG center in Tehran.

Farhmand left her career as a designer and started mechanics as a volunteer apprentice with her close friend Kiana Yarahmadi in a small garage nearly four years ago. Now she has parted ways with her partner to work at Mercedes Benz in Germany, as she has also started learning German to make her dream of one day working at the Mercedes Benz factory in that country come true.

Kiana Yarahmadi, 31, a law graduate, works as a mechanic at the Rad Auto Technic center in Tehran. Her goal is to go abroad to learn more and to be able to bring that experience and knowledge back to Iran to one day build her own automotive center with other female colleagues.

Working as a female mechanic used to be a taboo in Iran, as it was considered a male sector.

Farhmand and Yarahmadi say that at first they had a lot of difficulties, but finally they broke that taboo and now many women want to work as mechanics. Many contact them and ask for advice, they say.

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