
28/06/2024 18:13 (UTC)


The "opportunities and challenges" of AI at Ecosystems 2030: "The key is to be proactive"

A Coruña (Spain), Jun 28 (EFE).- The Ecosystems 2030 international forum, being held Friday in A Coruña, Spain, is focusing on the "opportunities and challenges" of Artificial Intelligence (AI), its president, Omar Hatamleh, said.

After a performance by musician Abraham Cupeiro, Hatamleh pointed out that AI, which has existed "for a long time," is currently undergoing a revolution that is bringing "many advances, such as in the field of medicine," but also "there are bad things related to security."

For the forum’s president, it is important to "be aware" of all the new developments and "check information."

Hatamleh stated that "the key is to be proactive," adding that "we have to reinvent ourselves" in different areas, such as at work.

In the future, he warned, "emotional qualities will be important,” pointing out that ”you have to know how to adapt, be empathetic and sociable."

A series of challenges are to be analyzed throughout the day by a total of 46 senior executives from companies such as Coca-Cola, Ikea, and Mastercard.

With this year’s forum focusing on female leadership, the technical secretary general at Spain’s Ministry of Education, Santiago Roura, who is happy to return to his native city, said that the country’s Parity Law had been approved, and pointed out that it is key to reinforce "the role of women in science."

He indicated that there are "many challenges and many uncertainties," but also "a lot of momentum and a lot of work" to move forward hand in hand with AI, with special attention "to the field of education." "The best is yet to come," he said.

For Galicia’s minister of education, Román Rodríguez, technological advances "involve transformations of all kinds" that "improve people’s quality of life" and also "the potential for their social development and social cohesion."

He warned that there is currently "a paradigm shift" in a situation of "technological revolution" in "communications, health, social relations, and production processes," which leads to "a different world, neither better nor worse."

Ecosystems 2030, in his opinion, will serve to analyze "the scarce presence of women in the technological world," and it is here, he said, that education has an important role to play.

In addition, he said, technology "must serve to democratize" and "always be at the service of people."

The mayor of A Coruña, Inés Rey, the last person to speak at the presentation, talked about her city's links with innovation, from "the opening of the Faculty of Computer Science in 1986" to the recent arrival of the Spanish Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence (Aesia).

Rey said that, in the female sector, "glass ceilings have been broken," although "there are still many steps to take." EFE


A CORUÑA, 28/06/24.- The latest edition of the Ecosystems 2030 international forum turns A Coruña into the center of analysis and debate on the evolution of innovation and its impact in areas such as security, data protection and social networks, where more women than ever are attending with the theme “Women in Leadership.” In the photo, forum organizer Omar Hatamleh, who is also chief advisor for Artificial Intelligence and Innovation at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, on Friday. EFE/Cabalar

A CORUÑA, 28/06/24. - The latest edition of the Ecosystems 2030 international forum turns A Coruña into the center of analysis and debate on the evolution of innovation and its impact in areas such as security, data protection and social networks, where more women than ever are attending with the theme “Women in Leadership.” The presentation was chaired Friday by A Coruña Mayor Inés Rey (2l), accompanied by Galicia’s Minister of Education, Science, Universities and Professional Education, Román Rodríguez (2r) and the forum organizer, Omar Hatamleh (l). EFE/Cabalar

A CORUÑA, 28/06/24.-The latest edition of the Ecosystems 2030 international forum turns A Coruña into the center of analysis and debate on the evolution of innovation and its impact in areas such as security, data protection and social networks, where more women than ever are attending with the theme “Women in Leadership.” In the photo, forum organizer Omar Hatamleh, who is also chief advisor for Artificial Intelligence and Innovation at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, on Friday. EFE/Cabalar

A CORUÑA, 28/06/24.- The latest edition of the Ecosystems 2030 international forum turns A Coruña into the center of analysis and debate on the evolution of innovation and its impact in areas such as security, data protection and social networks, where more women than ever are attending with the theme “Women in Leadership.” In the image, Galicia’s minister of education, science, universities and vocational training, Román Rodríguez, during the forum’s inauguration. EFE/Cabalar

A Coruña (Spain), Jun 28 (EFE).- The Ecosystems 2030 international forum, being held Friday in A Coruña, Spain, is focusing on the "opportunities and challenges" of Artificial Intelligence (AI), its president, Omar Hatamleh, said.

After a performance by musician Abraham Cupeiro, Hatamleh pointed out that AI, which has existed "for a long time," is currently undergoing a revolution that is bringing "many advances, such as in the field of medicine," but also "there are bad things related to security."

For the forum’s president, it is important to "be aware" of all the new developments and "check information."




Ecosystems 2030 highlights opportunities and challenges that AI will bring to multiple sectors

A Coruña (Spain), 28 Jun (EFE).- The Ecosystems 2030 international forum in A Coruña, Spain, is focusing on the "opportunities and challenges" of Artificial Intelligence (AI), its president, Omar Hatamleh, said.

News content:


The "opportunities and challenges" of AI at Ecosystems 2030: "The key is to be proactive"

The "opportunities and challenges" of AI at Ecosystems 2030: "The key is to be proactive"

The "opportunities and challenges" of AI at Ecosystems 2030: "The key is to be proactive"

The "opportunities and challenges" of AI at Ecosystems 2030: "The key is to be proactive"

The "opportunities and challenges" of AI at Ecosystems 2030: "The key is to be proactive"

The "opportunities and challenges" of AI at Ecosystems 2030: "The key is to be proactive"

Ecosystems 2030 highlights opportunities and challenges that AI will bring to multiple sectors

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