05/06/1939 12:00 (UTC)
REGRESO TROPAS ITALIANAS. NÁPOLES (ITALIA), 05/06/1939.- Oficiales italianos del CTV (Corpo Truppe Volontarie), participantes en la guerra de España, encabezados por el coronel Giovanni Bodini (dcha), rodean a la esposa del general Gastone Gambara, tras nombrarla oficial honorario de los "Arditi" o tropas de asalto, en un acto celebrado a bordo del barco "Sardegna" al finalizar su regreso a Italia. EFE/Mollinedo/jgbSPAIN CIVIL WAR: ITALIAN TROOPS BACK HOME. NAPLES (ITALY), 05/06/1939.- Italian officers of the Volunteer Corps CTV, pose with General Gastone Gambara's wife (2-R), after being awarded honorary officer on board the 'Sardegna' transport ship, on their way back to Naples, Italy. EFE/Mollinedo/fs
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