30/06/2014 12:00 (UTC)
GRA179. GUADARRAMA (MADRID), 30/06/2014.- El expresidente del Gobierno José María Aznar (i), junto al ministro de Finanzas de Alemania, Wolfgang Schäuble (d), en la inauguración hoy del Campus FAES 2014, que se celebra hasta el 6 de julio en Guadarrama (Madrid). EFE/J.J. GuillénSPAIN GERMANY:German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble (R), chats with FAES foundation's Chairman, former Spanish Primer Minister Jose Maria Aznar, as they attend the opening of Summer Courses FAES 2014 in Madrid, Spain, 30 June 2014. EFE/J.J. GUILLEN
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