24/02/2015 12:00 (UTC)
GRA448. MADRID, 24/02/2015.- El líder del PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, durante la sesión de tarde de la primera jornada del vigésimo quinto debate del estado de la nación, la cita parlamentaria anual más importante del año, que se celebra hoy en la Cámara Baja. EFE/Chema MoyaSPAIN STATE OF THE NATION DEBATE:Spanish Socialist party (PSOE) leader, Pedro Sanchez attends to the evening session of the first day of the State of the Nation debate at the Lower House of the Spanish Parliament in Madrid, Spain, 24 February 2015. The two-day long debates in Parliament will be the last of the Spanish Government's term of office ahead the general elections to be held in November. EFE/Chema Moya
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